
Leone Ciporin
Leone Ciporin was eight years old when she wrote her first novel. Chatterbox, The Talking Monkey, still sits in her desk drawer, but she hasn't stopped writing since. Throughout college (Yale) and law school (Georgetown), she dreamed up ideas for murder and mayhem, though it wasn't until 2005 that her first story was published. When she's not working as an insurance company manager or writing mysteries, Leone walks dogs at her local SPCA. The dogs make excellent personal trainers, urging her on with mournful looks and providing hours of high-intensity interval training. At home, Leone caters to the demands of her two cats, Felix and Oscar. She lives in Charlottesville, Va.
Books and Other Thoughts For Readers
Here are five of my favorite novels. Let me know if you agree!
A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving.
A testament to the power of faith. And funny, too.
Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen.
I haven’t seen the movie, because I can’t imagine that it will be as good as the book.
Still Life, by Louise Penny.
The first in her mystery series featuring Chief
Inspector Gamache, it’s the book that introduced me to her writing, which is fabulous.
Odds Against, by Dick Francis.
Dick Francis wrote interior monologue better than anyone. This particular book is my favorite because it’s the first featuring Sid Halley.
Shogun, by James Clavell.
An oldie but goodie, with a great description of a culture clash that demanded people either adapt or die.